Directions for Installing the Analysis ToolPak in MS Excel 2010
will also work for Excel 2013 though the screen will look slightly different than screenshots below
(try this for Mac)
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In order to use MS Excel for statistical analysis (like the t-Test or Regression Analysis), first you need to make sure that you have the Analysis ToolPak Installed.
To check whether it's already installed, click on the Data tab (shown here circled in red) at the top of your Workbook. If the Analysis ToolPak is installed, you should see the Data Analysis option (shown here circled in green).
If you don't see the Data Analysis option, it should be easy to install the ToolPak using the following directions. If these steps don't work for you, you may need to re-install Excel on your computer in order to make the ToolPak available, though you may want to meet with your professor to make sure before you go through re-installation.
Go to the File tab and click on the Options button.
Click Add-Ins, and highlight the Analysis ToolPak.
Click Go. When you see the Add- Ins window, make sure the Analysis ToolPak box is checked, then click OK.
If installation was successful, you should now see the Data Analysis option under the Data tab. Good luck!
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